About me

About Me

Louie and me @ Puppy Love Therapy

Born in February 1967 in Lucerne, I have always been fond of being around animals and listening to music. From an early age, I occasionally saw or felt things that I could not explain.

This heightened sensitivity didn’t exactly facilitate making friends during my school years, so I often found myself playing alone, humming melodies that would suddenly come to mind. Our canary, guinea pigs, and the cat – whom I often greeted on my way to and from school – became my friends.

In secondary school, I finally became part of a group. The need to belong and the pressures of adolescence were so intense that the “other, sensitive world” almost completely faded from my life.

Medal @ www.vollblutaraber.ch

Entering the workforce and facing the societal demands for conformity and performance drove me even further from my true needs and my true self.

After years in IT, working in development, leadership, and consulting, a challenging period in my life guided me back to myself. My sensitivity was allowed to resurface and take its place, along with my true self.

With passion, I teach, conduct seminars, and am profoundly grateful for the life I am allowed to live – helping people and animals find their way back to themselves, to walk their path, and occasionally to heal what needs to be healed.

See also: → Philosophy

«Take time every day and sit quietly to listen to the melody of life that flows through you.»
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha (560 – 480 BC)

Trainings and certifications

Daisy @ www.vollblutaraber.ch

  • Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner for Humans and Animals
  • Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu Teacher (Self Help and JSJ for Animals)
  • Strategic Intervention Life Coach
    (Graduate of Robbins-Madanes Training; trained by Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Mark and Magali Peysha)
  • Certified Remote Depossession Practitioner + Trainer
  • Certified Reiki-Sekhem Master + Trainer
  • Medical Intuitive (trained by Soon Tze Chien)
  • Member of the Sound Healers Association USA
  • Sound healing with Jonathan Goldman, Tom Kenyon and Karl Grunick
  • Energy work with Karl Grunick and Shojiro Sugiyama Sensei
  • Shamanic training with Simon Buxton (Sacred Trust)
  • Vietnamese healing art with Thai Ngoc Buu
  • Shaolin- and healing Qi Gong with Shi Xinggui
  • Buteyko Breathing Normalization
  • Voluntary Healing Work at:


Yuma, Alpha Gray Wolf @ Seacrest Wolf Preserve, Chipley, FL