Refinding the Soul
“…This life is the path, the long-sought way to the incomprehensible, which we call divine. There is no other way. All other ways are false paths. I found the right way; it led me to you, to my soul. I return, burnt out and purified. Do you still recognize me? How long the separation lasted! Everything has become so different. And how did I find you? How strange was my journey! With what words shall I describe to you, on what twisted paths a good star led me to you? Give me your hand, my almost forgotten soul. What warmth of joy to see you again, you long-denied soul. Life has led me back to you. We shall thank life that I have lived, for all the merry and all the sad hours, for every joy and for every pain. My soul, with you my journey shall continue. With you I want to wander and ascend to my solitude. …”
C.G. Jung – The Red Book