Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu: Harmonizing Body, Mind, and Soul


Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient art aimed at alleviating tensions and their resulting symptoms in the body by harmonizing the body, mind, and soul. It is based on the principle that our body is traversed by energy pathways crucial for the vitality of our cells. Blockages along these pathways can cause discomfort or pain and potentially disrupt the entire flow of energy.

This practice opens our awareness to our innate ability to align ourselves with the universe and encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As a physio-philosophy, Jin Shin Jyutsu involves using the hands to gently balance the flow of life energy in the body and foster a sense of complete harmony within ourselves and with the universe.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is distinguished from other massages or healing practices by three main features:

  • It is an art, as opposed to a mere technique, prioritizing skillful creation over mechanical application.
  • It avoids physical tissue manipulation, employs minimal pressure, and uses the hands to adjust the energy flow in the body by working with 26 “Safety Energy Locks”.
  • It serves as an effective self-help method that allows individuals of all ages, from toddlers to adults, to help themselves simply and effectively.

During a session in the practice, the recipient remains fully clothed and lies face-up on a padded surface. The practitioner uses specific sequences or “flows” aimed at unblocking energy pathways and realigning the individual’s energy flow with the rhythm of the universe. These flows involve various hand placements over the “Safety Energy Locks”, stimulating the energy circuit through defined pathways, each associated with specific functions or characteristics.

The experience of Jin Shin Jyutsu is unique for each person and session but often leads to deep relaxation. It offers welcome relief from stress, which so often interferes with optimal health.

Historical records from the archives of the Imperial Palace in Japan indicate that Jin Shin Jyutsu has endured significant historical figures and texts, thus regarded as an inherent aspect of human wisdom and a life art.

In the early 20th century, Jin Shin Jyutsu was rediscovered by Master Jiro Murai following his recovery from a life-threatening illness and revitalized for modern use. Master Murai believed that just as our hands are a natural part of us, so too is the ability to master this art inherent in each of us.

Mary Burmeister, a dedicated student of Master Jiro Murai, played a crucial role in introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu to America during the 1950s. Starting in the early 1960s, she began teaching the art through workshops and courses, significantly expanding its reach and understanding. In addition to her teaching, Mary also established a practice in Scottsdale, Arizona, where she saw numerous clients and further solidified the presence of the art in the United States. While word of mouth played a crucial role in the initial spread of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Mary’s efforts were complemented by the publication of instructional materials. These resources, along with her formal teaching, were instrumental in promoting a deeper and broader appreciation and practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu, enabling the art to grow beyond its initial grassroots beginnings.

A wonderful short documentary about Jin Shin Jyutsu (subtitles available):

A small selection of institutions working with or offering Jin Shin Jyutsu:

  • Krebsliga, Zug/Zürich
  • Heiligenfeld Kliniken
  • Universitäts-Klinikum, Bonn
  • Universitätsmedizin, Göttingen
  • Karl-Jaspers-Klinik für Psychiatrie, Oldenburg
  • Marienhospital, Osnabrück
  • St. Peter’s Health, Helena, MT
  • Markey Cancer Center, Lexington, KY
  • Morristown Medical Center, New Jersey, NJ
  • Marin General Hospital, Greenbrae, CA

Jin Shin Jyutsu: The Art of Harmonizing Life’s EnergyJin Shin Jyutsu, an ancient Japanese art of healing, transcends the mere concept of physical wellness to embrace a holistic approach to health, harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit. Rooted in wisdom that predates many of the world’s major philosophical and religious teachings, this practice offers a path to balance and wellness that is both subtle and profound, connecting the individual’s energy flow with the universal life force.

**Origins and Rediscovery**

The origins of Jin Shin Jyutsu are shrouded in antiquity, with its practice believed to predate recorded history. Ancient texts and teachings suggest that it was widely known and practiced long before the advent of more recognized health systems. However, it was Master Jiro Murai’s rediscovery of Jin Shin Jyutsu in Japan in the early 20th century that marked the resurgence of this art. Murai, after experiencing a miraculous recovery from a life-threatening illness through his application of Jin Shin Jyutsu principles, dedicated his life to the study, practice, and teaching of this healing art. His work laid the groundwork for the modern practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu, with Mary Burmeister, one of his prominent students, instrumental in bringing these teachings to the Western world.

**The Principles of Jin Shin Jyutsu**

Central to the philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu is the concept that life energy flows along specific pathways in our bodies and that the balance of this energy flow is essential for physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The practice identifies 26 “Safety Energy Locks” (SELs) along these pathways, which act as critical points where energy can become blocked. The gentle application of the hands to these points, in specific sequences known as “flows,” facilitates the release of blockages and the harmonization of the body’s energy.

Unlike many conventional healing practices that focus on treating specific symptoms, Jin Shin Jyutsu seeks to correct imbalances in the body’s energy flow, addressing the root causes of illness and discomfort. This approach reflects a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all aspects of our being and offers a path to holistic well-being.

**The Practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu**

A typical Jin Shin Jyutsu session is a unique experience that caters to the individual’s specific needs. The practitioner, through a process of listening to the body’s energy pulses, identifies the areas of imbalance and applies hands-on sequences to restore harmonious flow. This non-invasive technique is performed with the recipient fully clothed, lying comfortably, and often leads to a deep sense of relaxation and peace.

The beauty of Jin Shin Jyutsu lies in its simplicity and accessibility. It empowers individuals with the knowledge and tools to practice self-help techniques, making it a powerful adjunct to conventional medical treatments and a valuable practice for maintaining health and well-being.

**The Impact and Growth of Jin Shin Jyutsu**

Since its introduction to the Western world, Jin Shin Jyutsu has grown in popularity, with practitioners and enthusiasts worldwide. Its growth can be attributed to the tangible benefits experienced by those who practice it, including reduced stress, enhanced well-being, and improved physical and emotional health. The practice’s emphasis on self-awareness and self-care resonates with contemporary movements towards holistic health and wellness.

The teaching and practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu have been furthered through workshops, books, and courses, allowing this ancient art to adapt and thrive in the modern era. Its principles, rooted in the universal search for balance and harmony, offer a timeless wisdom that continues to inspire and heal.

In conclusion, Jin Shin Jyutsu represents a confluence of art, science, and spirituality. It offers a gentle yet powerful pathway to healing, inviting us to explore the depths of our being and the potential for renewal and transformation. As we continue to navigate the challenges of modern life, the principles and practices of Jin Shin Jyutsu offer a beacon of hope, guiding us towards a state of balance, harmony, and profound well-being.