1:1 Training E

Personal 1:1 Training

I hold a steadfast belief that each individual is a distinct mosaic of powers, abilities, and strengths, each glowing with an inner light of unparalleled hue. Your unique color is a gift, meant to illuminate and assist those around you in need. This core belief underpins my approach to personal training in spiritual work. Recognizing that spiritual development is a deeply personal journey, I understand that sometimes the support and guidance of a coach or mentor can be pivotal. While profound spiritual growth can certainly unfold independently, the presence of a nurturing guide often proves invaluable.

In my training, I blend mentorship with the teaching of various techniques and theories, akin to preparing the soil and tending the garden for your individual flower. This personalized, one-on-one approach is designed to ensure that your inner beauty and strength are nourished and cared for, enabling your spiritual essence to blossom to its fullest potential.

Course Offerings:

[→ Unified-Sekhem-Reiki Training]

[→ Shamanic Pathways: Introduction to Shamanism & Journeying]

[→ Protection, Cleansing and Trauma Release]

In the coming months, more course offerings will be added.