Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing

The word «shaman» comes from the Tungus tribe in Siberia and it means spiritual healer or one who “sees” and navigates the darkness to bring light and healing.. Practiced for more than 50’000 years, shamanism is the oldest healing system of humanity.

At the heart of shamanism is the recognition that everything in the universe is interconnected, alive, and possesses a soul or energy. The goal of shamanic healing is to restore balance and harmony where it has been lost.

Understanding Illness in Shamanism

Shamanic tradition identifies three primary causes of illness:

  1. Loss of personal power/energy – which often leads to debilitating illness and especially to chronic symptoms like chronic depression, chronic suicidal thoughts, chronic disorders, chronic misfortune and so on.
  2. Loss of vital essence (soul parts) -Whenever we experience emotional or physical trauma (e.g. war, natural disaster, surgery, abuse, divorce) a piece of our soul might flee the body. Not always does this piece find its way back. This may lead e.g. to dissociation, depression, suicidal tendencies, post traumatic stress disorder, immune deficiency problems, grief that just does not heal or coma. Addictions are also a sign of soul loss as we seek external sources to fill up the empty spaces inside of us whether through substances, food, relationships, work, or buying material objects. If someone says “I have never been the same since” a certain event, soul loss has probably occurred.
  3. Spiritual intrusion or possession – When we lose power or vital essence, the resulting empty space might get occupied by foreign energies. Symptoms might be personality change, sudden sign of addiction, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, negative voices in the head or diffuse physical complaints. See also → foreign Energies.

The Healing Journey

A Shamanic Intensive Healing session aims to reclaim the client’s sovereignty and wholeness by removing foreign energies and restoring lost power and soul essence. An integral part of healing is the Soul Remembrance process, helping individuals reconnect with their true selves, untouched by societal labels or traumas.

Client participation is crucial for integrating returned energies, a key step toward lasting healing. For those with specific concerns, focused sessions are available.

Shamanic Healing for Animals

Recognizing the sensitivity of animals to trauma, I offer specialized shamanic healing for our non-human companions.

Distance healing is available for both animals and humans, allowing for healing without the need for physical presence.

Keywords: Shamanism, shamanic healing, Shamanic Practitioner, shamanic healer, shaman healer, Soul Retrieval, Extraction, Depossession, Intursion, Implants, Aliens

Shamanic Healing for Animals
Shamanic Practice in Lucerne, Shamanic Healing Luzern, Shamanic Practice Würzenbach, Sacred Trust, Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS)

Keywords: Schamanismus, Schamanische Praxis, Soul Retrieval, Seelenrückholung, Ablösungen, Seelenanteile, Extraktion, Intrusion, Implantate, Aliens, Ausserirdische, Schamanismus

content=”Professional shamanic healing work for animals and humans, including distance healing and energy work.”
content=”Shamanic Healing, Shamanism, Healing Work for Animals, Healing Work for Humans, Distance Healing, Energy Work, Soul Healing, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Trauma Healing, Soul Retrieval, Energetic Cleansing”

Shamanism is a spiritual practice and belief system found in various cultures around the world. It’s challenging to provide a singular definition of shamanism because it encompasses diverse traditions and practices across different cultural contexts. However, at its core, shamanism involves the belief in and practice of communicating with the spiritual world and engaging with spirits, deities, or other non-human entities for purposes such as healing, guidance, protection, and spiritual transformation.

The work and healing within shamanism encompass a range of practices aimed at connecting with the spiritual realm and restoring the vitality or balance of individuals or communities. Some common elements of shamanic work and healing include:

Trance and Ecstasy: Shamans often enter trance-like states through rhythmic music, chanting, dancing, meditation, or the use of psychoactive substances to access the spiritual realm.

Journeying Between Worlds: Shamans believe they can travel between the physical world and the spirit world to retrieve information, perform healing, or receive spiritual guidance.

Healing Practices: Shamans are often regarded as healers and employ various methods such as herbal medicine, energy work, rituals, and prayers to address physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments.

Divination: Shamans use techniques like reading animal bones, casting runes, or interpreting symbols to gain insights into the future or diagnose issues affecting individuals or communities.

Spiritual Guidance and Counseling: Shamans often serve as spiritual guides and counselors within their communities, offering advice, grief counseling, or assistance in resolving conflicts.

Rituals and Ceremonies: Shamans conduct ceremonies and rituals to mark various life events such as birth, death, initiation, marriage, and harvest festivals, often involving offerings, prayers, and symbolic actions.

It’s important to recognize that shamanism manifests differently across cultures, and shamanic practices can vary significantly from one cultural tradition to another. Additionally, contemporary interpretations and adaptations of shamanism may incorporate elements from multiple cultural sources or integrate with modern therapeutic approaches.