Jin Shin Jyutsu Timer

Jin Shin Jyutsu Timer, Jin Shin Jyutsu Fingers, Jin Shin Jyutsu alarm clock, Jin Shin Jyutsu Holds

When we hold our fingers or do a complete flow, we are often advised to hold the steps or fingers for 3, 4 or 5 minutes. But how do we know, when these 3, 4 or 5 minutes are over and we’re supposed to go to the next step or finger? With the use of the Jin Shin Jyutsu Timer we can fully dive in into our Jin Shin Jyutsu, without always thinking of the elapsed time.

With soothing sound of running water, recorded in the mountains of Colorado, each timer starts with 3 bell sounds after about 20 seconds, which gives us a little time to get comfortable, before our personal session starts. The sound-file has a runtime of about one hour and ends with 3 more sounds of the bell.

The timer is available in 3, 4 or 5 minutes versions in CD quality as FLAC (lossless – bigger files) or lower quality MP3 (128kbps – smaller files) For playing the files. I do recommend VLC Player.

Happy Jin Shin Jyutsu!

Timer Size Download
JSJ Timer – 3 minutes intervals 256 MB / 55 MB FLAC / MP3
JSJ Timer – 4 minutes intervals 267 MB / 58 MB FLAC / MP3
JSJ Timer – 5 minutes intervals (recommended) 268 MB / 58 MB FLAC / MP3