Newsletter October 2016 e


A very dense year, which emotionally is racing towards its end at an unchanged fast pace. And yet it is not the year, but often we who surround ourselves with this haste. For the year itself, it decelerates and prepares for winter rest. How beautiful it would be if we could allow ourselves the natural pace again – awakening, creating, harvesting and resting in harmony with nature.

So it is important that we take ourselves out of the hustle and bustle now and then, devote ourselves to tenderly embracing ourselves and practicing forgiving silence. These cooler months are also a nice time to catch up, to open your backpack again and to see what stones still want to be looked at.


The Heart Box

When you have emotionally harrowing and touching experiences or traumas, where do you feel that pain? The Oneida tribe has the following ancestral explanation for this:

“When the Creator made man and woman, He made us perfect. Then, when he looked at us like this, he created a small cavity in the area between our lungs, spine and heart. Then he thought about what he could do with it. “Ah, I know!” he said. “I will place a small heart box there for each person. This little heart box will be the source of a person’s love for other people and for me, the Creator, and it will also be the place where people can keep their traumas and heavy emotions for a few days before they are ready to pass them on to me.”

To this, the Creator replied, “Listen, everyone. What I am about to tell you is very important, so pay close attention: You are my children and I love you, and so I give you Free Will. You have the freedom to choose between the positive and the negative; remember that you do not allow anyone to ever take that away from you, because I will always grant that to you. But I advise you to focus on the positive and give the negative to me.

Now the Creator soon had to realize that once we put something in the heart box, it almost takes dynamite to get it out of there. It’s our garbage and that’s where we hold on to it with everything we have, no matter what it does to us.

We humans tend to hold on to too much baggage – anger, guilt, shame and pain. We tend to keep our pain and worry about losing friends or family members inside. So we also hold on to other losses in life, like the loss of money or other material things. The little space that the Creator gave us was actually meant to put our hurts away for a short time; just until we were ready to let them go. But we humans keep stuffing more and more hurts and traumas into the heart box until we either learn from life or die. Yes we often carry this baggage for several lifetimes if we don’t learn to let go…”

This another excerpt from the wonderful book “The Making of a Healer” by Russel FourEagles. In the following paragraphs Russel explains how the swelling of the heart box causes more and more physical problems as the box has limited space and so then begins to press on the heart, lungs and spine. We then have to steal from our own body and cellular energy to strengthen the walls of the box. Which alleviates one problem, but creates new physical ailments in its place.

Fortunately, in the ancestral Oneida tradition, there is a wonderful ceremony to take care of the contents of the box:

The Oneida Fire Ceremony

Like an old juke box, we have a whole stack of 45s singles in our heart box, where each record represents a difficult emotional experience. This ceremony is about forgiving, taking the stack of singles and looking at one record at a time and then giving it to the Creator.

The ceremony also includes a breathing meditation, which is about breathing what is no longer used into Mother Earth.

I would like to offer you the opportunity to participate in such a fire ceremony and would like to lead one regularly at my home in a group of max. 6 people. In old tradition I will offer this free of charge.

One idea is to do this maybe bi-monthly on a Sunday afternoon. The ceremony lasts maybe 1 1/2 to 2 h. You could share something you brought with you afterwards, if needed, and be together for a bit before everyone goes on their way again.

It may take a few ceremonies to work through your pile. You can do the ceremony – after you have learned the procedure – on your own if you want to.

If you are interested, write me a short mail with the subject “fire ceremony”, then we can see when we can do it.

Ouija – Witch board


Soon the second part of the horror movie “Ouija” will be released. You may know this “game”, which was especially popular at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. In a séance by dim candlelight, you hope for contact and messages from the afterlife, from ghosts and the deceased.

Even if one does not believe in the invisible world, this “game” exerts a certain attraction for many. For all those who play with the thought to try such a “party gag” times, I would like to give something of Goethe on the way:

“I can’t get rid of the spirits I called.”

Yes, even if you don’t believe in it, you can bring evil into your house and body with this story. If you know someone who has played around with the Ouija and since then has perhaps increased problems in life, bad things happen, emotionally changed or got health problems, then you know who to call 😉