“Today we are a small circle, so we each pick up a vessel. Devotional silence – and at exactly the right moment in time, we begin to blow through the vessel. The trans-dimensional vibration of each vessel intertwines with that of the others. Almost instantly, an unexplainably recognized realm from some other place and time beyond this life’s memory is experienced, an expansion of the world that was not in our awareness before blowing the vessel. As I relax and merge into this new realm of interweaving emotions, sounds and feelings, an awareness of a joyous change in my experience of Self begins to gently impinge upon my consciousness. At this moment I may stop blowing and quietly laugh with pleasure about what is happening, and then begin blowing again. There may be moments and spaces where I stop blowing in order to float in a particular place in the expanded universe that I have discovered, only to begin blowing and exploring again when to do so is easily just right. Then, after eons and mere moments, each of us knows that it is time to gently stop blowing and return to ordinary space and time. Everyone enjoys remaining silent, experiencing the multi-sensory flow of soft bliss, comfort, and aliveness through their body and being. When the speaking and sharing moment occurs, huge smiles and laughter occur and words that are spoken are spoken softly and happily and with awe…”
For over two thousand years, different cultures in Peru produced vessels psychoacoustically tuned. Instruments which produce vibrations that induce an expanded state of consciousness different from anything known today. They stopped producing their vessels when conquistadors entered their land. They did not share the vessel experience with the invaders. For hundreds of years the vessels have remained silent, waiting for this point in history to reawaken.
The sounds you heard in my sound journey, “Calling the Gods” were produced using two sets of sacred Peruvian whistling vessels, once owned by me. These particular vessels were created by Don Wright in New Mexico, crafted in adherence to ancient traditions. The knowledge of making these vessels was initially rediscovered by Daniel Statnekov, who then passed it on to Don Wright.
We use the sounds and the magic of the vessels from time to time in my bimonthly Ki&Sound seminar.
Energies present
Over the last 20 years, many different sacred energies from places, elements and objects have been added to the mother-clay. This has resulted in the clay being highly charged vibrationally. It has also resulted in the following list of energies being present in the clay from which every set of vessels is made (list is not complete) → Energies present
History of the Whistling Vessels

Viracocha, the great Inca creator god
Andean creation legends say that the creator made the first men and women from clay which was then breathed into to form the first life on Earth. Alpamasca, the Inca word for a person’s body means „animated earth“. The people who inhabited Peru believed that human beings were made of earth and brought to life through the breath of the Creator, so we can see the connection between man and the Whistling Vessels.
For centuries, archaeologists were finding these vessels at many burial sites and sacred places, but their meaning and use was shrouded in mystery for centuries until Daniel Statnekov uncovered their secret in over a decade of research and they are once again being used for journeying to other realms as well as helping to improve health and well-being.
Some of the oldest whistles have been dated at around 500 – 300BC and were made by the Vicus and Salinar people. The most commonly found are Moche, Chimu and Inca in origin and date from 1000 AD until shortly after the Spanish conquest in 1532. The vessels are usually made in the shape of animals, people or mythical figures. Some say they were used to call in spirits for protection during ceremony. Each city-state of their empire utilized these vessels, which are possibly the oldest biofeedback device known to man.