Bücher, Videos, Informationen

Bücher, Videos, Informationen

Die 5 Tibeter – Peter Kelder
Wunderbare Übungsfolge zum Start in den Tag oder zum Ausklang am Abend. Fördert neben der Beweglichkeit vor allem die Schlafqualität. Das Video ist selbsterklärend, das Buch enthält bescheiden mehr Informationen. Man sollte mit einer ungeraden Anzahl von Wiederholungen beginnen und diese z.B. alle zwei Wochen – oder je nach körperlichem Fortschritt – um zwei Wiederholungen steigern, bis man bei 21 angekommen ist. Wie bei allen Körperübungen ist es wichtig, den unteren Rücken zu schützen, was am einfachsten dadurch erreicht werden kann, dass das Gesäss während der Übung angespannt bleibt. Ausserdem sollte man darauf achten, dass die Ohren immer so weit wie möglich von den Schultern entfernt sind. [Video auf YouTube]
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Übungen zur Wiederherstellung der Gelenke und der Wirbelsäule – Mirsakarim Norbekov
Die Gymnastikübungen stammen aus dem Buch «Eselsweisheiten», wo es eigentlich um die Wiederherstellung der Sehkraft geht.
Grundlegend für unsere Gesundheit – ihre Herstellung und Erhaltung – ist es, gelenkig und beweglich zu bleiben. Die Übungen zielen daher darauf ab, jedes Gelenk in unserem Körper zu bewegen und wieder in Schwung zu bringen. Das PDF ist ein Auszug aus dem Buch und enthält pro PDF-Seite zwei Buchseiten – ideal also zum Ausdrucken und Nachmachen, bis man den Ablauf auswendig kann.
Das unterhaltsame Video hilft, wenn man manche Übungserklärungen nicht ganz versteht. Auch wenn das Video auf Russisch ist, sollte es zusammen mit den deutschen Buchanleitungen gut verständlich sein. (youtube)
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Der 23. Pslam – Eine Interpretatoin – Gerald Ressmann, ki-praxis 284KB pdf
30 Jahre unter Toten – Dr. Carl Wickland [1924]
Dr. Wickland war Chef-Psychiater am State Psychopathic Institute of Chicago und Gründer des National Psychological Institute in Los Angeles, Kalifornien. Er war der Erste, der realisierte, dass viele psychologische Problemen durch besetzende Entitäten verursacht werden. Dr. Wickland hat all seine Fälle dokumentiert und viele davon in diesem Buch veröffentlicht.
2.1MB pdf
Alle Werke von Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken [1876-1943] in einem PDF… 18.9MB pdf
…und als Einzeldownloads in verschiedenen Sprachen link
Meister Eckhart – Mystische Schriften [1903]
Meister Eckhart (Eckhart von Hochheim; 1260-1328) – Predigten, Traktate, Fragmente und Sprüche
9.8MB/5.1MB pdf/epub
Autosuggestion nach Emil Coué (Bücher 1 & 2)
Die Verwirklichung der Wünsche durch die Coué-Methode [1973] & Die Praxis der bewussten Autosuggestion – Dr. med. G.Lucci
61.9MB pdf
Die esoterische Praxis – Dr. Stylianos «Daskalos» Atteshlis
Christliche Meditationen und Übungen [1996]
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Das Symbol des Lebens – Dr. Stylianos «Daskalos» Atteshlis
Daskalos hat diese Historie, Beschreibung und Anleitung zum Symbol verfasst, welche englische und deutsche Übersetzungen sowie das Originalmanuskript in Daskalos› eigener Handschrift enthält. Das Symbol des Lebens wirft ein neues Licht auf dieses uralte Werkzeug. Das Herzstück der Lehren von Joshua, dem Christus, ist ein reicher und vollständiger mystischer Pfad, der zeitlose Anleitungen sowohl für spirituelle Bestrebungen als auch für die Aufgaben des alltäglichen Lebens bietet. Durch das Symbol, das zuletzt von Daskalos gelehrt wurde, werden wir uns des Zwecks und der Funktion unserer Inkarnation stärker bewusst.
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Leben und Lehren der Meister im Fernen Osten Vol. 1-3 (von 6) – Baird T. Spalding [1924-]
1924 veröffentlichte Spalding den ersten Band von Leben und Lehre der Meister des Fernen Ostens. Darin werden die Reisen einer Forschergruppe von elf Wissenschaftlern nach Indien und Tibet im Jahr 1894 beschrieben. Während ihrer Reise behaupteten sie, Kontakt mit den «Großen Meistern des Himalaya» aufgenommen zu haben, unsterblichen Wesen, mit denen sie lebten und studierten und dabei Einblick in ihr Leben und ihre spirituelle Botschaft erhielten. Dieser enge Kontakt ermöglichte es ihnen, zu erleben, wie viele der spirituellen Prinzipien, die von diesen großen Meistern vorgelebt wurden, in ihr alltägliches Leben übertragen wurden, was Spalding als Handlungen beschreibt, die von jedem vollbracht werden können, der sein «WAHRES» Selbst kennenlernt. Solche Beispiele sind das Gehen auf dem Wasser oder das Manifestieren von Brot, um eine hungrige Gruppe zu speisen – ähnlich wie einige Taten, die von östlichen Meistern in jüngerer Zeit ausgeführt wurden. Doch obwohl die meisten Handlungen in Indien stattfinden, machen die Großen Meister deutlich, dass die größte Verkörperung des erleuchteten Zustands die des Christus ist – die Entdeckung der Quelle der Kraft des Menschen in sich selbst – das Licht Gottes – das Christusbewusstsein ist dieser «Christus»-Zustand:

«Die Meister akzeptieren, dass Buddha den Weg zur Erleuchtung repräsentiert, aber sie legen klar dar, dass das Christus-Bewusstsein die Erleuchtung ist, oder ein Bewusstseinszustand, nach dem wir alle suchen – das Christus-Licht eines jeden Individuums; daher das Licht eines jeden Kindes, das in die Welt geboren wird.»

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Leben und Lehren der Meister im Fernen Osten Vol. 4-5 (von 6) – Baird T. Spalding [1924-]
Band IV: Dieses Material wurde zuerst als «Lektionen der Indienreise» präsentiert. Jedes Kapitel enthält Text zum Studieren sowie Leitfäden für Lehrer zur Entwicklung und Interpretation des Materials.
Band V: Material, das aus Vorträgen entnommen wurde, die Herr Spalding in den letzten zwei Jahren seines Lebens in Kalifornien gehalten hat. Enthalten ist auch ein kurzer Lebensabriss.
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Die Meister teleportieren 8.0MB mp4
Von der Nachfolge Christi und Anleitung zum geistlichen Leben – Thomas von Kempten [1418–1427]
Diese Meditation über das geistliche Leben hat Leser wie Thomas More und den heiligen Ignatius Loyola bis hin zu Thomas Merton und Papst Johannes Paul I. inspiriert. Zwischen 1420 und 1427 von dem Augustinermönch Thomas von Kempten (Thomas à Kempis) verfasst, enthält es klare Anweisungen für den Verzicht auf weltliche Eitelkeiten und die Suche nach ewigen Wahrheiten. Kein Buch hat das christliche Ideal ausdrücklicher und ergreifender beschrieben.
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Das Evangelium der Kailedy [Autoübersetzt aus dem Englischen] – Das Evangelium der Kailedy (früher Das Buch der Illuminatoren genannt, mit der Autorität der Nasorinen) handelt vom Leben und den Lehren Christi. Es ist das Begleitbuch und der zweite Band des Kolbrin. Das Wort «Kailedy» (oder Kailedi) stammt von den frühen Christen, die 37 n. Chr. unter der Führung von Josef von Arimathäa nach Britannien kamen, und bedeutet «weise Fremde». 2.4MB pdf
Gespräche mit Seth – Von der ewigen Gültigkeit der Seele – Jane Roberts [2001]
Dieses Buch enthält die weltberühmten Botschaften von Seth, einem «Energiepersönlichkeitskern», der nicht mehr in der physischen Form zentriert ist. Jane Roberts erhielt diese Botschaften in Trance, ihr Ehemann Robert F. Butts hat sie aufnotiert. Seth spricht über Bewusstsein und Seele, die Existenz anderer Wirklichkeiten, den Gottesbegriff, über Gesundheit, Leben, Tod und das Leben nach dem Tod. Er schafft nicht nur Klarheit über diese Gegenstände, sondern zeigt auch, dass die Seele, jede Seele, über ungeahnte Fähigkeiten der inneren Wahrnehmung verfügt. Auf Grund der inneren Stimme – durch intuitive Einsichten, paranormale Informationen oder Traumbotschaften – hat der Mensch Zugang zur universellen Welt höherer, multidimensionaler Realitäten. Als eines der kraftvollsten Seth-Bücher formuliert dieser wesentliche Leitfaden für ein bewusstes Leben klar und kraftvoll die weitesten Bereiche des menschlichen Potenzials und das Konzept, dass wir alle unsere eigene Realität entsprechend unseren individuellen Überzeugungen erschaffen. Es hat dem Test der Zeit standgehalten und gilt immer noch als eine der dynamischsten und brillantesten Karten der inneren Realität, die heute verfügbar sind.
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Hohen Blutdruck nicht zu früh mit Medikamenten senken – neue Probleme können entstehen – Pamela Dörhöfer – Frankfurter Rundschau [2020] 80KB pdf
Ärzte erhöhen Schwelle für Blutdruck-Medikamente – Infosperber [2013] 113KB pdf
Vorsicht Glukosesirup! – Dr. med. Carstensen [2011]
Das Glykoproteinsyndrom – Ursache vieler Krankheiten?
Glukosesirup wird wegen seiner milden Süsse und vor allem seiner Klebrigkeit seit 40 Jahren von der Nahrungsmittel-Industrie verwendet. Ob Konfitüre, Schokolade, Joghurt, Eis – es steckt fast überall drin, selbst in Bio-Produkten. Nach den Erkenntnissen von Dr. med. Hartwig Carstensen lässt sich darauf eine Vielzahl moderner Krankheiten von Allergien über Rheuma und Morbus Crohn bis zur Schuppenflechte zurückführen. Carstensen spricht von einem Glykoproteinsyndrom und verspricht Heilung, sofern der Auslöser gemieden wird.
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Die dunkle Seite von Soja (Zusammenfassung) – Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel [2005]
Eine bahnbrechende Enthüllung, die die Wahrheit über Soja sagt, die Wissenschaftler kennen, die die Sojabranche aber zu unterdrücken versucht hat. Soja ist kein gesundes Lebensmittel, verhindert keine Krankheiten und ist noch nicht einmal als sicher erwiesen.
97KB pdf
Trauma hier, Trauma dort, Trauma, Trauma überall!
skepticalinquirer.org, Volume 48, No. 5, September/Oktober 2024, von Peter Barglow
Linksseitiger Krebs: Sind Bett und Fernseher schuld? – von R. Douglas Fields [Scientific American, 2. Juli 2010 – übersetzt aus dem Englischen]
Kurioserweise ist die Krebsrate in der linken Brust 10 Prozent höher als in der rechten. Diese linksseitige Tendenz gilt sowohl für Männer als auch für Frauen und trifft auch auf den Hautkrebs Melanom zu. Die Forscher Örjan Hallberg von Hallberg Independent Research in Schweden und Ollie Johansson vom Karolinska-Institut in Schweden schlagen in der Juni-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Pathophysiology eine überraschende Erklärung vor, die nicht nur auf eine gemeinsame Ursache für beide Krebsarten hinweist, sondern auch Ihre Schlafgewohnheiten ändern könnte.
65KB pdf
Lass die Sonne rein: Vitamin D brauchen wir mehr denn je html
Faszien: Die unbekannte Welt unter unserer Haut (SRF 03.05.2021)
Das «Puls Spezial» über das unterschätzte Bindegewebe gibt Einblicke in den neuesten Stand der internationalen Forschung, lässt Experten aus dem medizinischen Alltag zu Wort kommen und entführt mit faszinierenden Bildern in die unbekannte Welt unter unserer Haut.
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in Englisch:
5 Tibetan Rites – Peter Kelder 372KB pdf
30 Years Among The Dead – Dr. Carl Wickland [1924]
Dr. Wickland was chief psychiatrist at the State Psychopathic Institute of Chicago and founder of the National Psychological Institute in Los Angeles, California. He was the first to realize, that many psychological problems are caused by possessing entities. He has documented all his cases and published many of them in the book.
1.5 MB pdf
The Boook on The Living God – Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken) [1927]
«The discoverers of new continents believed in their hearts that they would find the sought-after lands beyond vast seas, and they found what they believed in. – So too should you believe in yourself, that you carry within you the powers that will one day enable you to experience the sacred wonders of the hidden temple on this earth in amazement within yourself… It is necessary for you to believe in your own powers, because your faith can unleash these powers within yourself, but it can also bind them in chains… What you do not previously believe yourself capable of, you will hardly be able to do later!»This book is addressed to people who are seeking solid ground in the flood of theological and esoteric publications. For the reader, horizons and dimensions of the spiritual realm open up, which was previously veiled and distorted by dogmas and anthropomorphic conceptions, fraught with insoluble mysteries. The workings of the living God ultimately manifest themselves even in the godless regions of the material world currently inhabited by us, whose coming into being and passing away is also in harmony with modern scientific knowledge.
0.9 MB pdf
Some further books of Bô Yin Râ are available here as free PDF downloads in various languages
Book of Knowledge-Psychic Facts – Dr. Nellie Beighle [1911]
A comprehensive exploration of spiritualism and parapsychology. This work delves into various aspects of spiritualist phenomena and psychic experiences, underpinned by Beighle’s extensive research and observations. A particularly notable section of the book is Chapter XVII, titled «Gleanings from Life and the New Testament.» This chapter presents an intriguing blend of life experiences and scriptural analysis, providing unique insights into the intersection of spiritualism with religious texts.As a historical piece, the book encapsulates the perspectives and understanding of spiritualism and psychic phenomena from the early 20th century, making it an invaluable resource for students and researchers in these fields.
34.9MB pdf
J.S.M. Ward Book 1 & 2: Gone West – Three Narratives of After-Death Experiences Communicated Through the Mediumship of J. S. M. Ward, (on Death) – [1920]

Medium JMS Ward gives the account of HJL’s life beyond the grave. The man in question was of disfavorable character and broke many laws, both moral and legal. Most of his account is in the badlands of hell, the experiences he went through, the spirits he met, the demons he wrestled and his rise up into the higher realms. This book is strong medicine to cure the wicked.

A Subaltern in Spirit-Land (on trying to contact the ghost of his dead brother), A Sequel To «Gone West» – [1916]

A spiritual journey of a young man in particular, but does include his family. He begins (Gone West), by automatic writing and astral travel, where he meets those of this true tale, and see for himself what horrors are caused by the greed of a few men on earth who see nothing but the power they can yield. This is the continuing journey, where automatic writing is placed aside and we hear the narrator direct from his astral journeys.

How life is on the «other side», the dangers of mediumship, hell, the spheres…

8.5MB pdf
through the mediumship of MARY THERESA SHELHAMER [1890] And Love shall wipe all tears from their eyes and the face of the sad shall grow radiant in the light of Eternal Dawn; the weary-hearted shall find rest ; and the heavily-laden shall drop their burdens; for the Land of the Blest overftoweth with boundless mercies for all who enter therein.
378.3MB/0.8MB pdf/epub
The Law of Psychic Phenomena – A working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc. – Thomson Jay Hudson [1904]
[for ebooks and html see gutenberg.org]
2.7MB pdf
Psychic Self-Defense – Dion Fortune [1930] – After finding herself the subject of a powerful psychic attack, Dion Fortune wrote this detailed instruction manual for safeguarding yourself against paranormal malevolence. Fortune explores the elusive psychic element in mental illness and, more importantly, details the methods, motives, and physical aspects of psychic attack, and how to overcome this energy. 0.7MB pdf
Dion Fortune’s Book of the Dead [1930] – This handbook helps the living assist the dying at the time of death. It teaches that the living must, first and foremost, understand the process that the soul goes through before they can help the spirit in its transition. Dion Fortune’s Book of the Dead is a clear, concise, illuminating guide that explains the stages in the natural process of dying that each and every soul passes through from this world to the next.» 0.5MB/0.2MB pdf/epub
Life And Teaching Of The Masters of the Far East Vol. 1 to 4 (of 6) – Baird T. Spalding [1924-]
In 1924, Spalding published the first volume of Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East. It describes the travels to India and Tibet of a research party of eleven scientists in 1894. During their trip they claim to have made contact with “the Great Masters of the Himalayas”, immortal beings with whom they lived and studied, gaining insight into their lives and spiritual message. This close contact enabled them to witness many of the spiritual principles evinced by these Great Masters translated into their everyday lives, which Spalding describes as acts that can be accomplished by anyone who comes to know his “TRUE” self. Such examples are walking on water, or manifesting bread to feed the hungry party – similar to some acts performed by eastern masters in more recent times. However, despite most of the action taking place in India, the Great Masters make it clear that the greatest embodiment of the Enlightened state is that of the Christ – the discovery of man’s source of power within himself – that light of God – the Christ consciousness is that “Christ” state:

«The Masters accept that Buddha represents the Way to Enlightenment, but they clearly set forth that the Christ Consciousness is Enlightenment, or a state of consciousness for which we are all seeking – the Christ light of every individual; therefore, the light of every child born into the world.»

2.0MB pdf
Life And Teaching Of The Masters of the Far East Vol. 5 (of 6) – Baird T. Spalding [1955]
Material taken from lectures given by Mr. Spalding in California during the last two years of his life. There is also a brief biographical sketch.
0.4MB pdf
Life And Teaching Of The Masters of the Far East Vol. 6 (of 6) – Baird T. Spalding [1996]
18 articles by Mr. Spalding, with questions & answers, taken from Mind Magazine, 1935-1937, and a cotemporary biographical sketch of Spalding. A special sections includes rare photos of Spalding, the India Tour group, shipboard accomodations, Calcutta; also letter from the tour and other Spalding memorabilia.
6.8MB pdf
The masters teleporting 8.0MB mp4
Winged Pharao – Joan Grant [1937]
A captivating historical fiction novel set in ancient Egypt. This novel, first published in 1937, is renowned for its vivid portrayal of the life and times of a female pharaoh, Sekeeta, who is believed to be the reincarnation of a wise and powerful priestess.>The story is a blend of mysticism, historical insight, and profound wisdom, as it explores the journey of Sekeeta from her early days of training in the temple to her eventual rise to power as a pharaoh. Grant’s writing brings to life the intricate details of Egyptian culture, religion, and politics, making the ancient world accessible and relatable to modern readers.As a pioneering work in the genre of reincarnation fiction, «Winged Pharaoh» delves deeply into themes of spiritual awakening, the continuity of the soul, and the interplay of past and present. The protagonist’s journey is not only a physical and political one but also a profound spiritual quest, offering insights into the mysteries of life and death. Joan Grant’s unique narrative style, combining historical accuracy with visionary experiences, has made «Winged Pharaoh» a timeless classic, appealing to those interested in Egyptian history, spiritual exploration, and the eternal nature of the human spirit.
2.2MB pdf
The Kolbrin «Bible» (The Bronzebook) – The Kolbrin is a collection of ancient manuscripts said to have been salvaged from the Glastonbury Abbey arson in 1184. The Kolbrin is also said to have had a connection to Jesus, historically through his Great-Uncle, Joseph of Arimathea. Many researchers will agree that the Kolbrin Bible is a secular anthology at least 3,600 years old. It was conceived by numerous authors ranging from ancient Egyptians to the Ancient Celts. 3.3MB pdf
The Gospel of the KailedyThe Gospel of the Kailedy (formerly called The Book of the Illuminators, Having the Authority of the Nasorines) is about the life and teachings of Christ. It is the companion and second volume of the Kolbrin. The word ‹Kailedy› (or Kailedi) comes from the early Christians who came to Britain in 37 AD, led by Joseph of Arimathea, and means ‹wise strangers›. 0.4MB pdf
The Imitation of Christ – Thomas à Kempis [1418–1427]
This meditation on the spiritual life has inspired readers from Thomas More and St. Ignatius Loyola to Thomas Merton and Pope John Paul I. Written by the Augustinian monk Thomas à Kempis between 1420 and 1427, it contains clear instructions for renouncing wordly vanities and locating eternal truths. No book has more explicitly and movingly described the Christian ideal.
1.8MB pdf
Inner Christianity – A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition – Richard Smoley [2002]
Inner Christianity is an introductory book on mystical and esoteric aspects of Christianity. It explores insights from the entire Christian tradition, including orthodox and heretical perspectives. The esoteric tradition seeks deeper inner knowledge of the divine and incorporates influences from other traditions like Kabbalah, astrology, and alchemy. Richard Smoley, the author, focuses on key questions relevant to all Christians, such as attaining spiritual experience, understanding the concept of the Fall, finding salvation in everyday life, ascending spiritually, and grasping Christ’s true message. Smoley draws from various sources like the Gospel of Thomas, A Course in Miracles, the Jesus Prayer, alchemy, Tarot, and influential figures like Origen, Dante, and Jung.
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The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila – Vol.1-3 – 2nd edition [1985]
Teresa of Avila (1515-82) was one of the greatest esoteric Christians in the Catholic tradition. Her understanding of inner states has been rivaled by few.
Vol.1: The Book of Her Life, Spiritual Testimonies, Soliloquies
Vol.2: The Way of Perfection, Meditations on the Song of Songs, The Interior Castle
Vol.3: The Book of Her Foundations, Minor Works
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The Complete Mystical Work of Meister Eckhart – Sermons, Treatises and Other Works [1979]
Meister Eckhart (Eckhart von Hochheim; 1260-1328), the great mystical writer and philosopher, presented his works in two forms. The Latin works introduce his thought in more analytic detail and precision. He used his German (vernacular) works including popular sermons and treatises, to introduce more personal reflections – what are considered his «mystical» writings on topics as varied as the poverty of spirit, the birth of Christ in the soul, and other influential themes. This new volume contains the entire text of all the vernacular works of of Meister Eckhart translated into English by Maurice O’C. Walshe with new editing and a foreword by Bernard McGinn, one of Eckhart’s foremost interpreters. This treasury is the authoritative volume on Meister Eckhart’s enduring legacy to Western Christianity and to all seekers of truth.
3.9MB pdf
The Symbol of Life – Dr. Stylianos «Daskalos» Atteshlis
Daskalos authored this History, Description and Guide to the Symbol, which contains English & German translations and the original manuscript written in Daskalos› own hand. The Symbol of Life sheds new light on this ancient tool. At the heart of the teachings of Joshua, the Christ, is a rich and full mystical path, offering timeless instruction both in spiritual endeavors, and in the work of day-to-day life. Through the Symbol, most recently taught by Daskalos, we become more aware of the purpose and work of our incarnation.
13.5MB pdf
Women Who Run With the Wolves – Clarissa Pinkola Estés [1992]
Within every woman, there lives a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. She is the Wild Woman, who represents the instinctual nature of women. But she is an endangered species. For though the gifts of wildish nature belong to us at birth, society’s attempt to «civilize» us into rigid roles has muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. In «Women Who Run With the Wolves,» Dr Estes unfolds rich intercultural myths, fairytales and stories, many from her own family, in order to help women reconnect with the fierce, healthy, visionary attributes of this instinctual nature. Through the stories and commentaries in this remarkable book, we retrieve, examine, love, and understand the Wild Woman, and hold her against our deep psyches as one who is both magic and medicine. Dr Estes has created a new lexicon for describing the female psyche. Fertile and life-giving, it is a psychology of women in the truest sense, a knowing of the soul.
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Seth Speaks – The Eternal Validity of the Soul – Jane Roberts [1994]
This book contains the world-famous messages of Seth, an «energy personality core» that is no longer centered in physical form. Jane Roberts received these messages in a trance, and her husband Robert F. Butts recorded them. Seth talks about consciousness and soul, the existence of other realities, the concept of God, health, life, death and the afterlife. He not only provides clarity on these items, but also shows that the soul, every soul, has unimagined abilities of inner perception. Based on the inner voice – through intuitive insights, paranormal information or dream messages – man has access to the universal world of higher, multidimensional realities. One of the most powerful of the Seth Books, this essential guide to conscious living clearly and powerfully articulates the furthest reaches of human potential, and the concept that we all create our own reality according to our individual beliefs. Having withstood the test of time, it is still considered one of the most dynamic and brilliant maps of inner reality available today.
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Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man – Dr Albert Churchward [1910]
Being and Explanation of the Evolution of Religious Doctrines from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians – with 186 Illustrations.
173MB pdf
Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism – With an Essay on Baal Worship, On The Assyrian Sacred «Grove,» And Other. – Thomas Inman and John Newton [1869] 15.4MB pdf
… online version with high-res pictures HTML
Lost Secrets of Ancient Hawaiian Huna Vol.1 and Vol.2 (Chants) – Tad James with George Naope and Rex Shudde [1993]
One of the purest and most in-depths teaching and recording of knowledge of the ancient way of huna.
91.9MB pdf
Daily Huna – Peggy Kemp
Being an Alakai – Counsel yourself using the seven principles of Huna.
44KB pdf
The Making of a Shaman: Calling, Training, and Culmination: – Roger Walsh (professor of psychiatry, philosophy, and anthropology at the University of California at Irvine)
«Shamanism and especially the psychological health of shamans remain topics of considerable confusion. This article, therefore, examines the shamanic training process from a specifically psychological perspective. Much in this ancient tradition that formerly appeared arcane, nonsensical, or pathological is found to be understandable in psychological terms. The initial shamanic crisis is seen to be a culture-specific form of developmental crisis rather than being evidence of severe psychopathology. Commonalities are noted between certain shamanic training experiences and those of other religious traditions and various psychotherapies. Psychologically effective shamanic techniques are distinguished from merely superstitious practices and several shamanic techniques are seen to foreshadow ones now found in contemporary psychotherapies.»
5.4MB pdf
The Secret Teachings of all Ages – Manly P. Hall [1928]
Perhaps the most comprehensive and complete esoteric encyclopedia ever written. The sheer scope and ambition of this book are stunning. In this book Manly P. Hall has successfully distilled the essence of more arcane subjects than one would think possible. He covers Rosicrucianism and other secret societies, alchemy, cryptology, Kabbalah, Tarot, pyramids, the Zodiac, Pythagorean philosophy, Masonry, gemology, Nicholas Flammel, the identity of William Shakespeare, The Life and Teachings of Thoth Hermes Trismegistus, The Qabbalah, The Hiramic Legend, The Tree of the Sephiroth, Mystic Christianity, and there are more than 200 illustrations included here. This is essential reading for anyone wishing to explore esoteric knowledge.
3.3MB pdf
Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion – Emil Coué [1922]
When asked whether or not he thought of himself as healer, Coué often stated that «I have never cured anyone in my life. All I do is show people how they can cure themselves.» Unlike a commonly held belief that a strong conscious will constitutes the best path to success, Coué maintained that curing some of our troubles requires a change in our unconscious thought, which can be achieved only by using our imagination. Although stressing that he was not primarily a healer but one who taught others to heal themselves, Coué claimed to have effected organic changes through autosuggestion.
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Suggestion and Autosuggestion: A Psychological and Pedagogical Study Based Upon the Investigations Made by the New Nancy School – Charles Baudouin [1921]
«Dedicated with grateful acknowledgments to Emile Coue the steadfast Worker and Pioneer»
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Ki-Breathing – Koichi Tohei Sensei [2005]
The book introduces «Ki Breathing,» a method developed by Koichi Tohei, who founded the Ki Society to explore and teach Ki principles worldwide. Distinct from other breathing techniques, Ki Breathing emphasizes a natural and effortless approach without forced control, aiming to enhance oxygen delivery throughout the body and improve overall health. The book builds on Tohei’s earlier work, «KI IN DAILY LIFE,» and is particularly aimed at helping individuals manage stress, boost immunity, and foster physical and mental wellness through a better understanding of the body’s natural processes. Tohei’s method has reportedly aided many in recovering from various ailments and improving their quality of life, suggesting its wide applicative benefits.
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Guide to Natural Medicine – Mikoto Masahilo Nakazono [1980] 14.9MB pdf
The Law and Therapy of Natural Life – Mikoto Masahilo Nakazono [1981] 74.8MB pdf
INOICHI – The Book of Life
A revised Edition of «Kototama» (Kotodama) – Mikoto Masahilo Nakazono [1979]
28.5MB pdf
The Gods of the Egyptians – E. A. Wallis Budge [1904] – Written by one of the most well-known Egyptologist in the world, The Gods of the Egyptians is a seminal piece of work on the rich Egyptian mythology. 33.9MB/48.2MB Vol1/Vol2
Pamphlet of the Order of Fransisters and Franbrothers – Laurel Elizabeth Keyes [1965] 2MB pdf
The notions of Ki and the Great Void in the philosophy of Chinese scholar Zhang Zai (1020–1077) and Korean scholar Hwadam Sŏ Kyŏng Tŏk (1489–1546). Explorations in Neo-Confucian thought – Victoria Ten – [2011] 1.17MB pdf
Why Shoes Make «Normal» Gait Impossible – How flaws in footwear affect this complex human function – William A. Rossi, D.P.M.
How footwear with an elevated heel can negatively influence posture and movement. This important piece of writing was the initial inspiration for Dr. Ray McClanahan’s trailblazing career in natural foot health. Elevated heels not only shift body weight forward onto the ball of the foot, but also require compensations from the ankles, knees, hips, and low back to assume an upright posture.The resilient human body can adapt to this uneven terrain in the short term, but if elevated heels are worn over a longer period of time dysfunctions will begin to develop.
805KB pdf
A to zinc: What supplements are worth taking? NewScientist [2014] 404KB pdf
Beware of glucose syrup! – Hartwig Carstensen, MD [2011]
The glycoprotein syndrome – cause of many diseases?
Glucose syrup has been used by the food industry for 40 years because of its mild sweetness and especially its stickiness. Whether jam, chocolate, yogurt, ice cream – it’s in almost everything, even in organic products. According to the findings of Dr. med. Hartwig Carstensen, a large number of modern diseases from allergies to rheumatism and Crohn’s disease to psoriasis can be traced back to it. Carstensen speaks of a glycoprotein syndrome and promises a cure, provided the trigger is avoided.
109KB pdf
Do not lower high blood pressure too early with medication – new problems can arise [translated] – Pamela Dörhöfer – Frankfurter Rundschau [2020] 80KB pdf
Doctors raise threshold for blood pressure medication [translated] – Infosperber [2013] 113KB pdf
The Dark Side Of Soy (Summary) – Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel [2005]
A groundbreaking expose that tells the truth about soy that scientists know but that the soy industry has tried to suppress. Soy is not a health food, does not prevent disease and has not even been proven safe.
91KB pdf
Acid/Alkaline Theory of Disease Is Nonsense – Dr. Gabe Mirkin, M.D. 9.7KB pdf
Left-sided Cancer: Blame your bed and TV? – by R. Douglas Fields [Scientific American July 2, 2010]
Curiously, the cancer rate is 10 percent higher in the left breast than in the right. This left-side bias holds true for both men and women and it also applies to the skin cancer melanoma. Researchers Örjan Hallberg of Hallberg Independent Research in Sweden and Ollie Johansson of The Karolinska Institute in Sweden, writing in the June issue of the journal Pathophysiology, suggest a surprising explanation that not only points to a common cause for both cancers, it may change your sleeping habits.
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Quantum Physics: Stop Heisenberg Abuse!
Three Outrageous Misappropriations of Quantum Physics. – Dale DeBakcsy [SI2014/3]
2.3MB pdf
The Story and Problems of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
skepticalinquirer.org, Volume 48, No. 5, September/October 2024, by Gerald M. Rosen and Loren Pankratz
Trauma Here, Trauma There, Trauma, Trauma Everywhere!
skepticalinquirer.org, Volume 48, No. 5, September/October 2024, by Peter Barglow
Yoga For Your Eyes – Meir Schneider
Based on the fundamental values of relaxation and flexibility Meir Schneider demonstrates the healing power of yoga for your eyesight. As a child, he had been officially declared blind but, using his method,  he later was able to regain his eyesight up to a point where he passed the driving test.
185MB mp4
The Magic Pill (2017) – Full Documentary
«The Magic Pill» is a documentary that examines the impact of diet on health. It follows various individuals and families as they switch to a diet of whole, unprocessed foods and shows their significant health improvements. This film questions traditional dietary advice and presents food as a potential key to overcoming numerous health issues.
492MB mp4